How to prevent or Hotmail to redirect to MSN on sign out

Hi insane world!

I at long last chose I would impart to you a mystery change of mine. When I sign out of or Hotmail, I don't get diverted to MSN. Truly, I don't.

Firefox is your companion

Stage 1. Utilize a genuine Internet Browser (otherwise known as Firefox).

Stage 2. Utilize NoScript or AdBlock Plus. In the event that you have neither of those introduced, Ctrl+Shift+A and do as such.

Stage 3. Essentially deny any contents from the accompanying spaces:

Bit of cake. Square these two spaces and you shouldn't get diverted to MSN any longer. - No MSN

Sign in – sign out. Nothing else. The pleasure is all mine.

Alter – Workaround

For reasons unknown, this technique doesn't work any longer. Being fedup and needing a less difficult arrangement, I've discovered one:

Log out from a non email related administration, as OneDrive, OneNote, Word/Excel Online, and so forth. Switch benefit and logout of course.

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