How to Add Hyperlinks to Email Messages in Hotmail

Sometimes, no matter the reason, you can't seem to make a link a hyperlink. If that is your problem, read this. It might be just what you need.
  1. 1
    Visit the Hotmail website in your web browser.
    Image titled Add Hyperlinks to Email Messages in Hotmail Step 2
  2. 2
    Type the required info into the appropriate boxes to sign-in (if not already completed and saved for further login).
    Image titled Add Hyperlinks to Email Messages in Hotmail Step 3
  3. 3
    Click the "Go to inbox" link listed directly under "Hotmail Login highlights".
    Image titled Add Hyperlinks to Email Messages in Hotmail Step 4
  4. 4
    Look over to just above the list of emails you have received. Creating a link can be done in any new email, whether that be in a forwarded email, a replied-to email, or a brand-new email.
    Image titled Add Hyperlinks to Email Messages in Hotmail Step 5
  5. 5
    Click the corresponding link that corresponds to the action you would like to take.
  6. 6
    Type your message.
  7. 7
    Type in the exact URL address just like you would any other link, by either the Copy&Paste method or just rote-memorization typing.
    • By preference, try to learn and use the (http://www.) portion of the address link formatting, when typing your link. The system will better be able to pick up the link as a hyperlink address when the recipients computer receives this information and translates it to the user's computer.
  8. 8
    Type a space after the last character. The system will interpret the codes into the hyperlink you'll need, already inserted into the email.

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