Good news for Hotmail users, the process of adding Hotmail to the iOS Mail app is easier than ever. Since Microsoft now includes Hotmail service as part of the rebranded , options have changed under iOS 8. Once configured, the Hotmail inbox will behave like any other email account accessed by the iOS Mail app. To begin, navigate to Settings -> Mail, Contacts, Calendars -> Add Account. As shown above, tap the option for Next enter your full Hotmail email address and password. The Description field is optional. When left blank, the default account name that appears in the Mail app is "Outlook". Tap Next and the account will be verified. Once verified, a list of information from iOS 8 will appear. Green toggles indicate items you wish to share with the Hotmail account. For email service the Mail option must be switched ON (green slider). Contacts, Calendars and Reminders can be toggled ON or OFF according to the desired level of privac...
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